Professional Dental Arts is one of 24 labs who are licensed to use this system. Additionally, we are 1 of the top 7 labs World Wide who support Equipoise Vigoruously.
Five Major Criteria
A successful removable partial denture (RPD) must meet certain important criteria:
- Function
- Comfort
- Esthetics
- Cost
- Built in permanence
(Without these standards, all removable partials become compromised.)
The most important criteria for a successful removable denture is function. If an RPD does not function properly, it can not be a success. The appliance will either be unstable, lack proper retention, or both. To eliminate these problems, teeth must be prepared in a way so that forces are applied along the long axis of the tooth and function is passive. The way to achieve this solution is by using Class II lever physics based on the "balance of force principles of design". With the use of properly contoured crowns (when prescribed) or simple preparation on natural teeth, true Class II lever, balance of force principals can be achieved.
When existing abutments are used, a rest and guide plane are created in the abutment teeth opposite the edentulous area. This technique enables the abutment tooth to move properly during mastication along the long axis eliminating destructive horizontal forces. Retention is achieved with a back action clasp that engages the undercut facing the edentulous area. The clasp moves away from the undercut during mastication and passively retains the abutment tooth. Protection and preservation of the abutment teeth and function are most important, and can be easily and readily acquired if four simple engineering laws are applied with understanding and the basic physiology of the tooth is not violated. Without proper tooth preparation, or when indicated, properly contoured crowns, a RPD can not function properly.
Equipoise® designed partials can easily be incorporated within your partial combination cases.
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UltraflexTM Partial Dentures
All acrylic semi-flexible partials that serve a niche where conventional cast partials just cant reach. They are repairable with MMA and look just like 199 acrylic. They are not for everyone but do serve the dentist and patient well.
Vitallium® 2000
The new standard in partial dentures
Since 1932, Dentists have trusted their Vitallium laboratories to create world-class function, fit and beauty. Vitallium, the alloy that defined an entire industry, is the standard for premium partial dentures.
In this tradition of excellence, Austenal is proud to announce the first advance in metallurgy worthy of the Vitallium name.
Vitallium® 2000 delivers all that you have come to expect and more.