New Products
Introducing VisionTM acrylic. It delivers the ultimate in comfort no matter what the application and moreover your clients spend less time in the chair. Not rubbery or mushy, this material when heated with hot tap water is fitted in 3 seconds as compared with the hour you'd spend with a retro-fit. It is so pliable that pain while seating and stress to the periodontal ligament are no longer issues. This means happy patients and happy dentists. Perfect for just about every splint application, at body temperature, this specially designed material maintains a rigid matrix so it doesn't trigger the bruxism response.  |
- Semi-flexible in hot tap water and at body temperature. High comfort
causes high compliance with patients.
- Occlusal additions can be easily made with conventional acrylics, the bond is exceptional.
- A new composite acrylic marries the two best parts of an occlusal splint. Flexible over undercuts and ridgitity over the occlusion.
- Extremely fast chair-side delivery. Just Heat & Seat!
- Lab processing is superior to vaccuum splints because Vision is cured on the master cast, not vaccuumed into place.
Professional Dental Arts, Inc., Est. 1961 All rights reserved, copyright 1999-2004 |